Some imminent construction will not only improve roads but will also make the Town even more walkable and cyclable.
Port Robinson Road:
The Town will reconstruct Port Robinson Road from Pelham Street to Station Street including repairing some sewer sections, and replacing water lines and storm-sewers this fall. The rebuilt road will include bike lanes and parallel parking along the School. Finally, we will reconstruct and add sidewalks on both sides of the road and re-align the Steve Bauer Trail entrance to match Station Street. (While the Town awarded the contract in June to try to complete this work prior to the restart of school, an MOE approval, the surprise location of a gas-line, and the contractor’s schedule added to the project’s timeline.)
Pelham Street:
You will recall that while Council earmarked $2.5 million for reconstructing Pelham Street from College Street to Quaker Road, the estimate came back at $6.5 million. We did apply for special Provincial funding in January (thanks to the Glynn A. Green School community, the PBA, the Chamber, and all others who wrote letters of support!), but learned we were unsuccessful in the spring. Perhaps we can apply under a new, $100 million Provincial program this fall.
In the meantime, the Town will construct a new sidewalk on the west-side of Pelham Street from Pancake Lane to Brock / Port Robinson Road this fall.
What about the idea of a traffic signal at Pancake? Installing a complete traffic signal did not meet the Ministry of Transportation’s “warrants” but did meet some opposition from local residents. Following the successful use of the Creative Problem Solving Process, Council recently approved the installation of pedestrian-priority traffic signals (like that on Haist Street at A.K. Wigg School) at Pancake Lane / John Street and at Spruceside Crescent / Bacon Lane this fall. We will also paint reduced lane widths as an attempt to lower vehicle speeds and to provide more room for cyclists.
Regional Road #20:
The Region will be constructing a special storm-sewer outlet from Regional Road 20 through Marlene Stewart-Streit Park this fall. Town Council recently approved reallocating some savings from this project so that we can add sidewalks along both sides of “Old Hwy 20” from Park Lane to Pinecrest and from Canboro Road to Church Hill. The Region will also resurface the road in that area.
And, did you notice the new school-zone lights on Regional Road #20 around St. Alexander School? Please watch for their activation next week during student’s morning and afternoon walks to school.
Pelham Town Square and Church Hill:
The Town will also reconstruct the sidewalk on the south-side of Pelham Town Square from Station Street to the Post Office and install a pedestrian-priority traffic signal at Church Hill across Pelham Street this fall.
Please be assured that Council and I continue to strive in making Pelham even more walkable and cyclable.