Monday, September 23, 2013

How should we spend your money in 2014?

Do you have a suggestion on how the Town should spend your money?

The question seems timely not because the final instalment for 2013 property taxes is due September 30, but, rather, because Council will start formally thinking about our 2014 budget in October.

Council will begin our 2014 budget process with a special public meeting where we listen to you about what you would like to see in future budgets. That meeting will occur on Tuesday, October 15 at 6:30 PM in the Council Chamber at Pelham Town Hall.

While Pelham Council first started this type of a “pre-budget consultation” for the 2007 Budgets, we continue each year to welcome residents and property tax payers to provide input.

I am pleased that, following Council deliberations each year, we have been able to follow-through on most of the suggestions offered by your friends and neighbours. In previous year, folks have requested a dog park, a skate park, sidewalks along a number of roads (like Pelham Street), crosswalks, and sidewalk snow clearing on every sidewalk in Town; each of these examples are either currently being done or have been approved and will get done soon.

That’s why we are undertaking this consultation process again. Council and I want to hear directly from you about your needs, wants, and ideas for our Town.  Our community improves when more and more people become involved in its success!

And, this is just the start of our 2014 budget deliberations:
Pre-Budget Consultation – beginning October 15, 2013;
Draft Capital Budget available to public – November 22;
Draft Capital Budget presented to Committee – November 25;
Council consider approving Capital Budget – December 2;
Draft Operating Budget available to the public – January 24, 2014;
Draft Operating Budget presented to Committee – January 27;
Council consider approving Operating Budget – February 3;
Draft Water & Sewer Budgets available to the public – February 14;
Draft Water & Sewer Budgets presented to Committee – February 18;
Council consider approving Water & Sewer Budgets – March 3.

Prefer to provide written input?  Simply send a letter via email to a special email address: You will also soon be able to view background budget information at the Town’s website:

Not internet savvy?  You can also provide written comments via normal mail c/o Town Clerk, Town of Pelham, 20 Pelham Town Square, P.O. Box 400, Fonthill, ON   L0S 1E0.

I hope to hear from you and I look forward to discussing your ideas so that we can continue to build a better future for our Town together.