Summersides Boulevard:
In this year’s budget, Council re-approved the construction of a new street linking Downtown Fonthill (by extending Pelham Town Square) with Wellspring Way and Rice Road. The street will include a centre boulevard, trees, and wide multipurpose sidewalks/trails on both sides. Council named the road after Jim Summersides, a World War II veteran of the elite, joint Canadian-American "First Special Service Force," and dedicated member of the Fonthill Royal Canadian Legion.
While much of the eastern portion was constructed last year, Council recently approved the completion of the western link to Station Street this year. Initially the intersection will have a four-way stop but we plan to construct a small-roundabout there in the future.
Council is committed to constructing this road to help better link newer developments with Downtown Fonthill, the Library, Post Office, Peace Park and Town Hall.
Walking & Cycling Paths:
You may have noticed some landscaping along Regional Road 20 from the new Tim Hortons to Wellspring Way. Did you also notice a new walking and cycling path at the corner of Rice and Port Robinson Roads, leading around the new development and the Community Centre?
Both of these features exemplify Council’s commitment to making the Town more walkable and cyclable. Soon, for instance, Ontario Hydro will start burying the hydro lines along Hwy 20 – in the area from the new landscaping along the buildings to the roadway. Then, a new treed, walking and cycling path– similar to the new one on Rice Road – will be constructed along Hwy 20.
Ponds & Park:
Water from roofs, roads, parking lots and paths gets collected and fed into the several storm ponds. These ponds store, clean and cool the water and release it at a rate no greater than “predevelopment flows.” We insisted on designing the ponds without fences so that people might enjoy them better.
The East Fonthill plan also includes some parks in key areas that link watercourses and ponds. One such park, near the intersection of Summersides Blvd and Wellspring Way, was granted to the Town in a standard process called a “excess parkland dedication.” The value of the parkland was based on a property appraisal and a peer review of that appraisal. (For a copy of these documents, please click here.) We look forward to adding trails, trees, and other features to complete this park.
Council and I continue to work diligently to fulfill the award-winning East Fonthill plan which offers mixed-use development, a range of housing-types, a walking/cycling network, and protection for existing environmental features.
You may contact Mayor Dave at mayordave@pelham.ca or read past columns at www.pelhammayordave.blogspot.ca.