Over the last couple weeks, I have written here about some of the new facilities and roads, sidewalks and bridges that the Town will complete or work toward this year. Now, here’s more information about other 2016 capital projects:
• WWI Mortar Restoration: Thanks to some concerned veterans and members of the public, Council approved funds to restore the WWI German Trench Mortar, including lighting, a pathway, and an interpretive plaque. This will complement the wonderful restoration of the lead-lettered cenotaph at Old Pelham Town Hall last year. We hope to receive in Federal funds again to help share this important restoration.
• Peace Park Improvements: At the request of the Fonthill Bandshell volunteers, Council approved installing additional lighting to Peace Park for special events. We will also install a partially underground waste collection system (like Molok) to make garbage and recycling easier and look nicer. At the same time, Staff hope to use the excavated dirt to help “round-out” the bumps in the “bowl” around the Bandshell.
• Rail Trail: Over the last couple of years the Town has built a walking / jogging / cycling trail on the abandoned Toronto-Hamilton-Buffalo rail line from Centennial Park to Murdock Street. Since motorized vehicles also travel the trail and have disturbed the gravel, Council approved installing and signs to discourage that behaviour.
• Concession Buildings: Council approved repairs to the concession buildings at Harold Black Park (roller doors, siding, washrooms) and at Centennial Park (soffit and facia, eavestroughs). Staff will also work with the Fenwick Lions on attracting grants to add a pavilion to the front of the concession building for special events.
• Pelham Arches: You will recall that dedicated volunteers built the “Arches” in Downtown Fonthill for the 2012 Pelham Summerfest. Since then the Town protected the structure and added lighting. This year, Council approved funds to re-protect the wood and directed Staff to recommend a long-term plan to protect and/or replace this key Town feature.
• Fonthill Library Branch: While I wrote about the Maple Acre renovation a couple of weeks ago, Council also ratified a decision by the Pelham Public Library Board to renovate the circulation desk area and add basement offices to the Fonthill Branch.
• Fire Service Improvements: Four local fire services share a machine that does a facemask “fit-test” for breathing apparatus; since the machine needs replacing, Pelham will cover one-quarter of the cost of a new machine. We also approved an annual allocation to replace and upgrade firefighter bunker gear.
• Planning Work: Council approved funds to help restart the East Fonthill Secondary Plan and to finalize a comprehensive Zoning Bylaw update in 2016.
Council and I look forward to another busy year of investments and improvements in Pelham.