Monday, November 10, 2014

A “Glorious & Free” Remembrance

Voice of Pelham Photo, 2014
The weather on Sunday morning was glorious. The leaves on the ground and the chill in the air reminded us that Autumn was upon us. The sun shone beautifully through the trees and the air was clear and sweet.

It felt so peaceful and so serene. It felt like the perfect example of freedom, of promise, and of individual choice.

The weather made it feel so far from the ravages of war. It felt so far from oppression and from tyranny. The airplane we heard in the distance was for recreation, not a vehicle of war or destruction. Photo, 2014
And yet, Pelham residents took time to gather with members of the Royal Canadian Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary, the Royal Canadian Army Cadets, and others at the Cenotaphs at Centennial Park, Old Town Hall, and Peace Park to commemorate and remember the sacrifices of Pelham’s Veterans.

Each Remembrance Day it is right to remember those brave men and women who have served, and who continue to serve our country during times of war, conflict, and peace.

We honour them for their courage, their commitment, and their devotion to standing “on guard” for Canada.
Bruce MacKinnon, Halifax Chronicle Herald

The recent slayings of Warrant Officer Vincent (near Montreal) and of Corporal Cirillo (in Ottawa) also came to mind this week. And while those heinous acts were intended to intimidate us, to cause us to fear our safety, and to chip away at our freedoms, they did not.

Instead, we witnessed other acts of courage, of duty, of selflessness, of true patriot love, and of deep respect for the brave men and women serving in Canada’s Armed Forces.

Our Remembrance Day commemorations remind us of our freedoms – the freedom to express ourselves, to participate in cultural, religious, and political activities, to come and go as we please, and to pursue a safe and happy life. These freedoms are all due to the sacrifices of Veterans and of those who serve today.

They sacrificed their futures and continue to make those sacrifices so that our future might be free and might be one of peace and happiness.

Engraved on the cenotaphs throughout our Town and on the bricks at Veterans Park are the names of those from Pelham that were killed in service. May their memories also be engraved in our minds and on our hearts.

As we commemorate Remembrance Day 2014, let us be thankful. Let us never forget. And let the prayer in our National Anthem be fulfilled: “God keep our land glorious and free!”