You see, I believe that this Mayoral election campaign is about proven leadership. But, it’s also about style of leadership.
As you know, under my proven leadership and service, and together with Council and the community, Pelham has improved considerably over the last eight years. From better roads and more sidewalks and trails, to new playgrounds and new and improved parks, to renewed Downtowns and improved community events, to huge investments by other levels of government, to better protections for agricultural lands and the Fonthill Kame, our Town has improved substantially.
But, I also view my role as Pelham's Mayor and Regional Councillor as one of a servant to the community.
That's why I am so accessible, continually listen to people and discuss issues, write a weekly column (270 times!) in local news media , attend as many community functions as possible, and work to keep residents and business owners informed about and involved in things that matter in Pelham.
My role is also to lead Council and the community through common processes of clearly defining problems, solving them, and implementing the agreed-upon and new solutions. Some recent examples of this include our environmental protection bylaw, the development of the Thursday night parking plan and a Supper Market, and confirming the business case for a new Multi-Faceted Community Centre (contingent on funding and tax-payer affordability).
I am both humbled and encouraged by the many residents who have asked me to continue my style of service and to build on my proven experience as Pelham’s Mayor & Regional Councillor.
So, what’s next? My vision for Pelham continues to include appropriate and affordable parks and recreational facilities, vibrant and livable downtowns, safe and walkable neighbourhoods, lively cultural and artistic activities, an environment for small- and medium-sized businesses to thrive, improvements to our quality of life, protecting our natural and rural character while supporting agricultural operations, and maintaining Pelham’s friendly, small-town feel as we continue to grow and prosper.
My record of proven, servant leadership shows that I have the vision, the commitment, and the experience to continue to work together with Council and the community to realize this vision.