On August 6, 1978, Mrs. Edna Elliott, former head librarian in Fenwick, wrote about the Village of Fenwick’s origins:
“On April 1 in the year 1953, the little community of Canboro Road known as Diffins’ Corners officially became known as Fenwick when the first post office was opened by pioneer Leonard Haney.
“…According to the most probable records, the name was chosen because it was the birthplace of Dr. John Fraser, who was Reeve of Pelham Township from 1850 to 1856 and was the first Warden of Welland County.”
This year, therefore, commemorates the 160th Anniversary of the Founding of the Village of Fenwick. A very dedicated and hard-working volunteer committee has met and planned over the last number of months to celebrate the Village’s heritage.
Why 160 years?
As part of the wonderful 150 anniversary celebration of Fenwick in 2003, the organizing committee collected funds to improve and refurbish the Fenwick Flagpole at Canboro Road and Maple Street. With the Town revitalizing Fenwick’s Downtown area this year – helping to make it more pedestrian friendly, reconstructing the road, burying the hydro lines – we have also used these funds to refurbish and extend the historic flagpole, and install rigging and lighting. Further, at the suggestion of the community and the heritage committee, Council officially designated the Fenwick Flagpole as a significant heritage structure on May 21 – the first flagpole so designated in Ontario!
So, on Saturday, June 1st from 10 AM to 11 PM, the organizing committee invites all to “Celebrate our Heritage” and “Come Home Again to Fenwick.”
Events at the Flagpole include and unveiling of the Heritage Plaque and a formal Flag Raising at 10 AM, a War Bird Fly Over and Downtown Beautification sod turning at 11 AM, and a formal Flagpole lighting and fireworks at dusk. (You can also purchase commemorative, engraved bricks, to be installed around the Flagpole during the reconstruction.)
The municipal parking lot will house the “Big Tent” with live music and a street dance from 11 AM until 11 PM. All along Canboro Road, activities will include classic cars and antique power displays, live bands and street entertainers, children’s activities, buskers and venders, a Victorian Tea room, period demonstrations, the model railroad display, and museum. (To facilitate these lively activities, Canboro from Cherry Ridge to Church and Maple from Sandra to the Flagpole will be closed to vehicles.)
The event will also include carriage Heritage Tours of 30 sites from noon to 5 PM.
Finally, many historic buildings and homes both in the Downtown area and across the Town are displaying commemorative bunting and bows to celebrate “160 Year of Pioneer Spirit.”
Please join us for 160th Anniversary of the Village of Fenwick this Saturday!