Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Enjoy Pelham’s Outdoor Movie Night!

Did you hear about the Outdoor Family Movie Night coming up next Wednesday at Peace Park?

At the spring 2010 Youth Forum, 90 teens representing Pelham’s Youth from grades 7 to 12 clearly told the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council (MYAC) and the Town that they wanted more and varied activities for youth and teens. Many felt that the Town did a good job providing services and opportunities for children and adults, but, they wanted more events and activities for themselves.

For example, at the Forum we asked “What activities or events would you like to see available for youth in Pelham?” The top two responses were: “Let more youth bands play at the bandshell” and “Outdoor movie night.” (The complete report is publicly available on the Town’s website in the MYAC section under “Town Hall.”)

That’s why the Pelham Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council began hosting AMP-Fest in the Bandshell in Peace Park a couple of years ago. Short for “Art & Music in the Park”, AMP-Fest is like a “battle of the bands” for youth / teen bands with a display-art component and has been generously sponsored each year by the Pelham Art Festival; this year the MYAC hosted AMP-Fest during Summerfest with music in the Bandshell and with an Youth Art Contest hosted by In The Orchard (at the Happy Place).

In light of the suggestions from the Youth Forum, I was also very pleased that this year’s Mayor’s Gala raised funds to support various activities for youth. Along with four other groups, Gala sponsors and donors raised funds specifically for the MYAC to host an outdoor movie night and other youth activities.

That outdoor movie night will be held on Wednesday, August 31 at dusk (approximately 8:00 PM) in front of the Bandshell in Peace Park.

The MYAC used a Facebook poll to select the movie. The winner is “Despicable Me,” a PG-rated film about “a criminal mastermind who uses a trio of orphan girls for a grand scheme and who finds that their love profoundly changes him for the better.”

The MYAC also wanted to “pay it forward” and use the event to raise funds and awareness for the United Way of South Niagara. Proceeds from the sale of popcorn, snacks and drinks will support the work of the charity.

So, please spread the word, and attend Pelham’s first Outdoor Movie Night for youth / teens / and families alike!