As you drive around our Town this summer, you will see some additional road improvements. Even though we are undertaking some large and special projects – like reconstructing Haist Street, burying the hydro lines on Pelham Street, and installing new playgrounds throughout Town – Council remains committed to annually improving the Town’s road infrastructure.
Rural Roads:
You might find it interesting that Pelham issues a joint tender with the Townships of West Lincoln and Wainfleet for reconstructing and resurfacing of rural roads using a “bituminous” surface treatment. By working together and offering a larger contact, each Municipality gets better tender pricing.
The following rural roads are scheduled for reconstruction:
- Effingham St. from Roland Road to Sixteen;
- Roland Road from Cream St. to Centre St. and from Sulphur Spring Dr. to 400 metres west;
- Foss Road from Farr St. to Church St.;
- Chantler Road from just west of Effingham to Cream St. and from Balfour St. to Church St.;
- Centre St. from Sixteen Rd. to Kilman Rd.
Rural road reconstruction includes placing granular material to increase the thickness of the road base, pulverizing the old road surface and recycling it into the road base, and applying a double layer of bituminous surface treatment.
The following rural roads are scheduled for resurfacing:
- Staines St.;
- River Road from Cream St. to the Niagara Central Airport entrance;
- Luffman Drive from Sulphur Spring Dr. to Orchard Hill Rd.
Rural road resurfacing includes applying a single layer of bituminous surface treatment to help seal the existing road surface and to help protect the road base.
Urban Roads:
The Town will also resurface a number of urban roads with a layer of asphalt, and will repair catch basins, manholes, sidewalks and curbs adjacent to the resurfacing projects.
The following urban roads are scheduled for resurfacing this year:
- Edward Avenue from Welland Road to Lawrence Lane;
- Merritt Road from Pelham St. to Line Ave.;
- Station Street from Port Robinson Rd. to Regional Road #20;
- Spruceside Cres. from Milburn Dr. to Pelham St.;
- Mayfair Avenue from Chestnut St. to Lorimer St.;
- Leslie Place (including installation of a subdrain to resolve ongoing drainage problems);
- Effingham Street from Canboro Rd. to Pancake Lane (including cleaning roadside ditches and installing new culverts to help with drainage);
Rest assured that Council remains committed to maintaining and improving the Town’s road infrastructure.