It’s been bugging me for a couple of years. And, maybe you never even noticed it, but subliminally it may have had an effect. If it did, it was the incorrect message for our Town Hall.
What am I talking about? The “Do Not Enter” sign in front of Pelham Town Hall!
You see, last week Charter Commercial Contractors of St. Catharines began work on the addition / renovation to Town Hall. And, last Thursday, Dean Allison, our Member of Parliament, Don Ward, Charter’s President, all of Pelham Council, and I ceremonially broke ground on the 1,200 square foot addition to Pelham Town Hall.
We are extending the life expectancy of our municipal building to ultimately provide better, more efficient service to you and your neighbours.
While the addition will become the Town’s new Council Chambers will also allow for a multi-use meeting space. This flexible, fully-accessible area will be available for community groups to use to the fullest. Since it will be easily adaptable, it could be used for public meetings, open houses, workshops, training sessions, small group discussions, and a multitude of other gatherings.
The renovation will convert the former Chamber into three offices and another meeting room. While we re-organized and renovated most of the rest of Town Hall over the last two years, this final renovation will ultimately create the space for a couple of much-needed and fully-budgeted staff. The first, a Construction Inspector, will oversee Town infrastructure projects and residential developments to ensure they follow all Town guidelines and rules. The second, a Computer IT Specialist, will help bring our computer systems into the 21st Century.
Finally, the addition will allow for the construction of a second floor on top of the Chamber in case it will be required in the future.
The project will cost an estimated $380,000 of which $160,000 is provided through the federal government’s Community Adjustment Fund (CAF). The funding will help provide work for local workers and provide a boost to Niagara’s economy over the period of construction.
But what about the “Do Not Enter” sign?
Well, the addition will extend the building to the North, and will remove the sweeping, curved driveway around the building. You will recall that that driveway was “One Way Only.”
With that driveway gone, we will also remove the “Do Not Enter” sign. Now, the message will be correct for your Town Hall – “Please enter.”