I have some more news regarding the revitalization of Pelham’s Downtowns.
You will recall that in late 2008 the Town applied for funding from the Federal and Provincial government to revitalize both Fonthill’s and Fenwick’s Downtowns. The $7.1 million application envisioned major infrastructure enhancements: water, waste-water, and storm-sewer improvements; burying of hydro cables; road improvements; and proper streetscaping – better parking, brickwork, decorative lampposts, benches and planters.
In early 2009 we heard we were successful in achieving two-thirds funding to revitalize Downtown Fonthill. Those designs are in the final stages and work will be starting this spring. However, the improvements for Fenwick were deemed a second project and ineligible for that funding.
But, in December the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario announced a second “intake” for the Community Adjustment Fund. To be eligible for funding, the projects must be for community organizations, small-to-medium-sized businesses, or municipalities and completed by March 31, 2011.
While the $128 million fund is available for business to expand production capacity, technology, or access to markets, it also supports the “revitalization and development of downtown core” areas.
Following a Resolution at a Special Council meeting last week, the Town applied for $2.3 million of funding from the Federal Government for the revitalization of Fenwick’s Downtown. The $2.7 million project would provide help “calm” traffic by creating urban design features – like pedestrian crossing treatments or gateways – that work with the road design to slow traffic. The works would help to visually distinguish the downtown core, provide decorative roadway and pedestrian lighting to improve safety, and widen sidewalks to help make it more walkable.
What about the flagpole at the intersection of Maple Street and Canboro Road? People seem to have strong feelings about what to do with the historic structure. Some suggest the status quo. Others envision the flagpole in the middle of a roundabout which could help reduced speeds and enhance the perception of the downtown core.
The Town, via an engineering consultant, has already started formulating the design for Downtown Fenwick. Rest assured you will have a chance to comment as they present design concepts for a revitalized downtown.
If you would like to support the Town’s application, please write to:
Community Adjustment Fund
151 Yonge Street, 3rd Floor
Toronto, ON M5C 2W7
and reference the Town of Pelham’s application to Revitalize Downtown Fenwick.
You may also want to encourage our Member of Parliament, Dean Allison, to continue to invest in Pelham. His address is:
Dean Allison
Niagara-West Glanbrook MPP
4994 King Street
Beamsville, ON L0R 1B0
or email at info@deanallison.ca.