Were you or your children / grandchildren involved in one of Pelham’s play-off games over the last couple of weeks?
On Sunday, Pelham Minor Baseball held an extremely well organized “Championship Day” at Harold Black Park. All the teams – from T-Ball, Rookie, Mosquito, Peewee, Midget, and Bantam – participated in playoff games, and each of the players gave it their all in running, throwing, and hitting competitions. The tremendous day also included a BBQ (courtesy Brian at M&M Meats) and awards ceremonies for each of the levels of play. I commend all the volunteers, organizers, and sponsors for the special day and for the wonderful season!
Similarly, my Pre-Squirt Soccer team recently enjoyed a special awards ceremony following our last game. I understand that other soccer levels have recently finished their seasons.
Over the weekend I bumped into my friend Ken who has coached Fenwick Softball for the last seven years. He said they recently had their playoff games.
And, so it has been similar for each of the summer team sports -- each of the seasons has ended.
Now the other sports – Figure Skating, Hockey, and Basketball – will be starting up in earnest for the fall / winter season.
As we are in this transition of sorts, I think it is a good time to honour and thank all those who volunteer with all the organized sport across our Town.
There are hundreds of coaches, conveners, and members of sports executives / associations that volunteer their time and efforts to ensure that our kids learn new skills, stay active, and enjoy the game. They also work behind the scenes to ensure it’s all organized and runs like a well oiled machine. Some might have kids on a team, but others volunteer or keep volunteering because they love the sport and are community minded.
On your behalf, and on behalf of the children of our Town, thank you to all our sport volunteers!
What about you? Are you interested in coaching or helping out?
Coaching just takes a couple of hours a week for you, but it helps build a positive foundation for kids for their lifetime.
Please check out these websites for more information and to get involved:
Pelham Figure Skating Club: www.pelhamfigureskatingclub.ca
Pelham Minor Baseball Association: www.pmba.ca
Pelham Minor Hockey Association: www.pelhamminorhockey.com
Pelham Panthers Basketball: www.pelhambasketball.org
Pelham Soccer Club: www.pelhamsoccerclub.com
Pelham Tennis Club: www.pelhamtennis.ca
Fenwick Softball: www.fenwicksoftball.ca
Thanks again to all coaches and youth sports volunteers!