Have you heard about the new initiative to support Pelham businesses? Wednesday, September 24th marks the official launch of the Town of Pelham Business Directory which has been developed in collaboration with the Welland-Pelham Chamber of Commerce and the Pelham Business Association.
How many times have you found yourself searching your memory for a business you’ve heard about or used in the past but just can’t recall the name or find the phone number? As you know, the Town continues to work with Pelham businesses to involve them in broader initiatives to market the Town, and encourage people to “Shop Locally”. The launch of the Business Directory underscores this commitment.
The new Business Directory allows all Pelham businesses – from retail, to service, to home-based – to participate. This initiative is aimed at promoting Pelham-based businesses through the Town’s official website: www.pelham.ca, as well as adding links from the Chamber and PBA websites.
There is no cost to participate and the Town will maintain the Directory. How do you ensure that your business or service is part of this exciting new opportunity? Sign up cards will be available at the official launch, or at the businesses listed below. Simply complete and sign a Business Directory contact information card and return it to any one of the following locations, or mail it directly to Town Hall:
In Fonthill:
- Butterflies Boutique, 1475 Pelham St.;
- Fonthill Library Branch, 43 Pelham Town Square;
- Lewis Family Chiropractic, 165 Highway 20 West;
- Town of Pelham Municipal Building, 40 Pelham Town Square;
In Fenwick:
- Einstein’s Laminated Art, 726 Canboro Road;
- Maple Acre Library Branch, 781 Canboro Road;
In Ridgeville:
- The Whisk & Ladle, 306 Canboro Road
Do you want to know more about this exciting project? Come and get a glimpse of the Directory and see first-hand the advantages of participation.
The official launch event will take place on Wednesday, September 24th in the Council Chambers at the Pelham Municipal Building from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Bring in your signed cards and begin to take advantage of the benefits!
- Easy to Use
- Free Advertising
- No Registration Fee
- Cross Referenced
- Links to YOUR Website & E-mail
- Annual Updates
If you are a Pelham business, you are encouraged to participate! For further information, please contact Town Clerk, Cheryl Miclette at (905) 892-2607, ext. 20 or Nancy Bozzato, Deputy Clerk, ext. 15.