You see, last spring the Pelham Soccer Club desperately needed coaches – only four of 12 teams had one. So a friend invited me to co-coach a team that could also include her daughter and my son.
I enjoyed playing Pelham soccer and I fondly remember my coaches. They encouraged us, pushed us to excel, and brought out our best.
Naturally, I wondered what would happen if I didn’t step forward. Could our kids play at all? How would they learn the fun of the game?
So, with some hesitation, I agreed to co-coach. And, now, I am thrilled by the experience!
First, each player improved as an individual and a team member. At the start of the season, most players were timid, and unsure of themselves. Players would seldom try to capture the ball or block opposing kicks. They “bunched-up” around the ball.
But, by the end of the season the players lost their timidity and challenged the other team for the ball. They tended to stay in position and to pass. They played like a team and some were even starting to anticipate the play!
Second, the time commitment was very manageable because the club provides everything you need to coach. They offered a coaches “clinic”, hints and tips, balls, pylons, all paperwork, and even a pump to inflate the balls.
Yet, I was dismayed to recently learn that the Soccer Club needs even more volunteers to help the +800 players. No doubt it is similar with our other sports.
So, please consider this an invitation to you or your family to become involved in Pelham sports by volunteering your time to help the kids in our community.
Coaching just takes a couple of hours a week for you, but it helps build a positive foundation for kids for their lifetime. Will you please consider coaching or volunteering for a Pelham sport?
Please check out these websites for more information and to get involved:
Pelham Figure Skating Club: www.pelhamfigureskatingclub.ca
Pelham Minor Baseball Association: www.pmba.ca
Pelham Minor Hockey Association: www.pelhamminorhockey.com
Pelham Panthers Basketball: www.pelhambasketball.org
Pelham Soccer Club: www.pelhamsoccerclub.com
Pelham Tennis Club: www.pelhamtennis.ca
Fenwick Softball: www.fenwicksoftball.ca